the good busy

Win the productivity game! Free 30% of time from unnecessary work and make time for what matters to you!

42,000+ leaders trust my advice on LinkedIn

get good busy at work

go from bad to good busy at work
Join leaders winning the productivity game! Eliminating unnecessary meetings, emails, and goals, you'll free up 30% of time at work for what more time and fun after work.

   30-day money back guarantee


here's what leaders love about the course:
80% of all constraints are internal, and only 20% are external.
Brian Tracy

productivity is the inner game

Hi, I'm Kate Sotsenko, productivity and leadership coach.

Apps and systems cannot win the inner game, but you can.

In this 2.5-hour online course, I show you how to play and win it.

here's what this leadership expert says about the course:

what's in the course

01core concepts for good busyness

  • 2 most common cognitive biases at work
  • concept of negative vs positive freedom

02the good busy framework

  • curiosity: the art of asking questions
  • organization: the art of making decisions
  • 5 steps to be good busy

03pause - start with the end

  • how to differentiate goals, purpose, and KPIs
  • how to set crystal-clear goals

04rewind - invest in preparation

  • the science behind our actions
  • how to prepare your workspace for optimal productivity

05forward - get perspective

  • how to use the power of retrieval
  • 3 frameworks for more sound decisions

06play - move one step at a time

  • how to unlearn multitasking
  • 2 techniques to increase your time value

07replay - build knowledge and discipline

  • how to build productivity knowledge
  • how to build discipline

08remove productivity blockers

  • how to beat procrastination triggers
  • 5 tips to successfully stay good busy


  • 11 Good Busy Playbooks
  • recommendations for books, Ted Talks, and articles

The Good Busy Course is for you if...

01Managing daily schedule feels overwhelming

but you long for a balance both at work and personal life.

02Juggling meetings, emails, and goals seems impossible

but you aim to deliver exceptional quality results.

03Meeting endless deadlines is a struggle

but you desire to earn recognition and advance your career.

04Making time for a hobby or project feels hopeless

but you aspire to grow, learn, and have fun beyond work.

05Squeezing time for the team becomes unmanageable

but you recognize that success hinges on playing as a team.

06Worrying about layoffs is a recurrent thought

but you want to secure your job against this uncertainty.

why learn with me?

42,000+ leaders trust my advice on LinkedIn

these companies chose me to lead their teams

here's what these leadership expert say:

questions and answers

Who is this course for?
  • Mid-level professionals aspiring to lead a team and advance their careers
  • Mid-senior team leaders aiming for quality results and rewards at work while having enough time for what matters to them beyond work
Who is this course not for?
  • Professionals in the early stages of their career
  • Top-tier corporate executives
Why companies value and reward productive leaders?

With layoffs and other cost-cutting initiatives, efficiency becomes paramount. Companies seek leaders who excel at achieving significant results with minimal resources. Even in the era of AI, productive leaders stand out for quality outcomes and profitable teams, all while enjoying a balanced professional and personal life.

It’s a “win-win-win”: leader, team, and company success.

What will I learn in this course?

You’ll discover that productivity is an inner game – a game of decisions. You’ll gain the ability to ask effective questions, set crystal-clear goals, create a productive workspace, make sound decisions, and use your time more intentionally. The principles in the course helped me work 30% less. I invested this reclaimed free time in my coaching education and side hustle. Now, you can invest this time in what matters to you.

What will I not find in the course?

Blueprints to organize your specific daily work, quick fixes promising instant overnight productivity, and recommendations for digital tools, apps, and systems.

How long will it take to see the results?

It depends on how committed you’re to the change. If you follow the principles and experiment with the exercises, you can achieve sustainable results in 3 months, as it typically takes 84 days to change a habit. Most likely, you’ll celebrate small wins much earlier. And they will produce a compound effect and transform completely how you work and perceive busyness over the next 6 months.

Is that even possible for €129?

Yes! Experimenting and testing insights from over 200 books, 2,000 TED Talks, numerous coaches, and mentors was way more expensive and time-consuming for me. In the course, I packed only the essential knowledge that brought me most radical and positive results. And I’m confident this will bring positive results for you too.

What makes this course different from the rest?

In the last 5 years, I studied the science of successful learning and applied it to over 500 hours of workshops. I designed the course with these insights in mind. While video courses are popular, we typically retain less than 50% of what we see and hear. Incorporating real-time exercises and elements of play can boost knowledge retention to 95%. This, in turn, makes it easier to apply what you’ve learned and achieve desired results faster. It also ensures your time, money, and effort invested in learning are worth it.

How long does it take to complete the course?

It takes approximately two and a half hours to complete the course. You can finish it in one sitting or pause and resume at your convenience. And, you gain a lifetime access to the course.

Why should I learn with you? Who are you?

My name is Kate Sotsenko. I’m a former junior tennis player with 15 years of corporate experience. Leading teams for Ferragamo, Gucci, IWC Schaffhausen across Italy, Switzerland, China, and Singapore, I’ve collaborated with 50+ cultures. I began training 11 years ago, and in the last 5 years, facilitated over 500 hours of workshops.

In my recent corporate years, I worked 30% less, surpassed my targets, and found balance in work and personal life. I invested this freed time to become an accredited leadership coach with the Institute of Executive Coaching and Leadership.

In 2023, I started sharing my insights and experiments on LinkedIn. And now, over 37,000 leaders trust my advice on the platform.

Where do I start?

Click the “Get Good Busy for €129” button below and win your productivity game at work!


go from bad to good busy
from this
to this

free up your time at work
